Place of Assignment: PRC Regional Office 1

Position Title: Professional Regulations Assistant
Plantilla Item No. : PRC-DOLEB-PREGA-69-2017
Salary Grade: SG 8
Monthly Salary: P18,251.00

Qualifications Standards:

Education : Completion of Two (2) years Studies in College
Training: Four (4) Hrs. Relevant Training
Experience:  One (1) year of relevant experience
Eligibility: Career Service ( Subprofessional ) First Level Eligibility

Place of Assignment: PRC Regional Office I

Position Title     :  Director III   
Plantilla Item no  : PRC-DOLEB-DIR3-48-2017   
Salary Grade       : 27  

Monthly Salary     : Php126,267.00  

Qualification Standards

Education   :Master's Degree OR Certificate of Leadership and Management from the CSC   
Training    :120 hours of supervisory/management learning and development intervention    
Experience  :5 years of supervisory/management experience   
Eligibility :Career Service Professional/Second Level eligibility
Competency (if applicable) :